3/26 UK Research and Innovation invest in TeraViews 6G technology

TeraView is pleased to announce that it has won development funding from the Sustainable Innovation Fund with Innovate UK, the United Kingdom’s innovation agency. This funding is specifically targeted at TeraView’s cutting edge technology for next generation 6G network applications.

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3/22 筑波以太赫茲躍進6G材料檢測應用

筑波科技先進研發部副總湯凱元提到利用太赫茲的非侵入破壞式量測的優點,太赫茲(Terahertz, THz, 1 THz = 1000 GHz)訊號為頻率範圍0.1到10 THz的電磁波,可穿透大部分的介電材料,特別因其是非游離輻射與低光子能階的特性,不會像X射線和UV輻射傷害人體或引起被測物化學結構的變化,對人體安全,不需防護措施,適用非破壞工業檢測,在全球國防及航太等領域,已開始有廣泛應用。
