9/6 筑波醫電參與Kiss Science活動 科學教育向下扎根

國家科學及技術委員會9月6日舉辦「2022 Kiss Science—科學開門,青春不悶」科普活動宣傳記者會,宣布自10月1日起,以5個周休假期,陸續開放103個科研場域、逾360場活動,號召全台青年學子,關注台灣與國際科研成果及趨勢,規模為歷年最大。

「2022 Kiss Science—科學開門,青春不悶」活動在國科會TTA台灣科技新創基地舉行宣傳記者會,活動邀請文化部、農委會、經濟部、教育部、內政部、交通部、衛福部、中研院等代表,以及友達、巨大、台積電、旺宏、筑波醫電等贊助企業代表出席。

專案聯繫窗口李怡蓁小姐(電話:02-2325-6800分機893,E-mail: jessielee@mail.caita.org.tw)。


9/10 TAITA Silicon Valley Holds the Annual Conference, ACE Biotek Display the Epidemic Prevention Products

Wayne Kang, Representative of ACE Biotek US Office and Allan Chang, Chairman of TAITA Conference
Wayne Kang, Representative of ACE Biotek US Office and Allan Chang, Chairman of TAITA Conference
Event Reception
2022 TAITA Silicon Valley Annual Conference

On September 10th, 2022, TAITA Silicon Valley holds the Annual Conference at Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley. 200 VIP guests of industry representatives join the event. Taiwan ACE Biotek receives a special invitation to strengthen epidemic prevention by displaying the antiCOVID-19 products, Wallie Screen AI Rapid Temperature Screening System, and O-Ring Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser at the entrance of the dining hall. Specifically, ACE Biotek exhibits AI technology applications.

Silicon Valley Taiwanese American Industrial Technology Association (TAITA-SV) drives a vision to promote the collaboration of the United States, particularly for Silicon Valley, Taiwan’s industrial, scientific, and technological development and investment. In the post-pandemic era, how maintaining business operations and seizing the new opportunity is essential to many enterprises. The annual conference target the subject: New Business Opportunities in Industrial Automation After COVID. Professionals from technology companies join to share their perspectives in the lectures. Ming-Chi Scott Lai, Director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco joins the event. The conference is co-sponsored by worldwide institutions such as Industrial Technology Research Institute, Supermicro, Elan Microelectronics, China Airlines, Eva Airlines, etc.

Since the epidemic outbreak, ACE Biotek’s AI research department has provided customized technology for customers, including antiCOVID-19 products and digitalized medical solutions. With “contactless, accurate, and fast” competitive advantages, Wallie Screen is an all-in-one system with temperature screening, abnormal temperature recording, and mask screening. In combination with the FaceMe® facial recognition function, the system is commonly used by large semiconductor industries, technology companies, and factories. Moreover, the updated technologies are people count and access control. The O-Ring dispenser uses the patented infrared sensor to provide precise spraying with low power consumption. With the impact buffer, fallen of it can be avoided.

Post-pandemic Business opportunities arise that focus on AI, IoT, telemedicine, and 5G interdisciplinary applications. At the banquet, the keynote speaker Hsuan-Tien Lin, Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University mentions: How will AI Accelerate after COVID: Machine Learning for Modern Artificial Intelligence”. The role of AI is necessary for the future. ACE Biotek sells antiCOVID-19 products to the USA, Hawaii, Japan, Lithuania, and South Asia countries. Earned brand recognition by Taiwan Trade Center, ACE Biotek is appointed by TAITA Silicon Valley to support epidemic prevention by the facilities. At the event, it’s a great honor to interact with enterprises from Silicon Valley and the United States. Wayne Kang, ACE Biotek US Office Representative, emphasizes that the event is a golden opportunity to enhance AI technology awareness in Taiwan and boost cooperation for both parties.

9/10 TAITA台美產業科技協會舉辦矽谷年會, 筑波醫電獲外貿協會肯定支援晚宴防疫

筑波醫電駐美代表康偉忠(Wayne Kang)(左)、台美產業科技協會年會主辦張啟偉(Allan Chang)(右)
筑波醫電駐美代表康偉忠(Wayne Kang)(左)、台美產業科技協會年會主辦張啟偉(Allan Chang)(右)

台美產業科技協會(TAITA Silicon Valley)於09月10日假萬豪酒店弗里蒙特矽谷店(Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley),舉行111年年會,超過200位以上的產業代表共襄盛舉。筑波醫電受邀於當日晚宴支援防疫雙星「AI雙眼龍熱像儀與O-Ring淨手機」於出入口,向現場貴賓展示AI技術應用成果。

台美產業科技協會主要為促進美國尤其是矽谷和台灣工業、科學領域的合作及技術開發投資。進入後疫情時代,企業如何在與病毒共存的前提下維持運營、創造新商機是寶貴的交流課題。本次年會以「COVID後工業自動化的新商機(New Business Opportunities in Industrial Automation After COVID)」為主題,邀請各科技公司分享專家見解,舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪亦受邀出席,本活動由工研院、美超微電腦、義隆電子、中華航空、長榮航空等大型貴賓贊助蒞臨。

筑波醫電自疫情升溫以來,AI堅強研發團隊提供符合客戶需求的技術,包含防疫及遠距醫療方案。AI雙眼龍熱像儀以「無接觸式、精準、高規格」為優勢,提供All in one整合功能如:體溫量測、異常溫度警示、口罩辨識。特別結合FaceMe®人臉辨識技術,運用在大型半導體科技公司、工廠的差勤管理,更有人流計次與進出管控功能。O-Ring手部消毒機則利用紅外線偵測專利技術,精準感應手部噴灑,低耗能且防傾倒。

後疫情時代遠距商機大爆發,商業模式聚焦在AI、AIoT、零接觸、5G等跨域應用。晚宴邀請國立臺灣大學資訊工程學系林軒田教授分享「How will AI Accelerate after COVID: Machine Learning for Modern Artificial Intelligence」,可見AI的角色不可或缺,筑波醫電的防疫產品已推廣外銷至美國、夏威夷、日本、東南亞、立陶宛等,在外貿協會的肯定下獲矽谷台美工業技術協會 (TAITA-SV)邀請支援晚宴防疫,展示AI高科技,非常榮幸與矽谷和各美國企業交流。筑波醫電駐美代表康偉忠表示,藉此機會能讓世界看見在台的AI高科技成果,促進美台產業合作提升國際能見度。