10/18 TAITA台美產業科技協會舉辦第15屆UTBEF, 筑波醫電獲邀請參與活動分享AI防疫成果

TAITA Co-chairman(Luc Yu)(左)筑波醫電駐美代表康偉忠(Wayne Kang)(右)

台美產業科技協會(TAITA Silicon Valley)於10月18日假聖克拉拉矽谷萬豪三角洲酒店(Delta Hotels by Marriott Santa Clara Silicon Valley),舉行第15屆UTBEF:美台生物醫學工程論壇(The 15th UTBEF: US-Taiwan Biomedical Engineering Forum)。本次活動由國科會主導,舊金山灣區和台灣的生物技術人工智慧專家們聚焦分享實務應用,超過1000位以上貴賓共襄盛舉。筑波醫電受邀於活動支援防疫雙星「AI雙眼龍熱像儀與O-Ring淨手機」,向貴賓展示AI技術成果。

生物技術和醫療照護如何應用AI人工智慧?今年配合「精準健康戰略產業」政策,並促進臺灣生醫產業與美國矽谷專家交流,期望藉由此平臺為醫學和工程跨領域連結。主題以「AI x Healthcare」切入探討,針對轉譯醫學、精準醫療與智慧醫院提出見解。本屆UTBEF有三個領域共18位專家(包括臨床醫師、數據科學家、與產業生產鏈)參與對談,也有14家醫療新創團隊的攤位,講者包含臺灣各醫學領域醫師專家,及美國哈佛醫學院與印第安納大學醫學院的教授、醫療領域的資料科學專家,討論以機器學習 (Machine Learning, ML)提高新藥開發成功率及個人化治療(Personalized Medicine)的精準度。

本活動合作單位包括舊金山臺灣貿易中心(TAITRA)、僑委會金山灣區華僑文教服務中心、工研院北美公司、國泰銀行、NVIDIA、KARIUS與BOARDSIM等。筑波醫電已參與2022 TAITA矽谷年會、雙十國慶晚宴等活動防疫,本次受邀於論壇活動展示分享AI防疫方案,確保活動順利進行,亦讓貴賓親自體驗。

筑波醫電AI堅強研發團隊提供符合客戶需求的解決產品,包含防疫及智慧醫院方案。AI雙眼龍熱像儀以「無接觸式、精準、高規格」為優勢,提供All in one整合功能,將體溫量測結合、口罩辨識、FaceMe®人臉辨識技術,運用在醫院、大型半導體科技公司、工廠的差勤管理。O-Ring手部消毒機則利用紅外線偵測專利技術,低耗能且防傾倒。


10/7 ACE Biotek Receives the JCT Recognition and Delivers “Spark Digital Anesthesia Recording System” Lecture on WTO Patient Safety Day

On October 7th, 2022, the Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) jointly responds to the WHO World Patient Safety Day and holds the “2022 WPSD Webinar: Using Technology to Prevent Mistakes in Surgery” online forum. This event aims to increase awareness of Taiwan’s digital healthcare technology. Moreover, to enhance its recognition in South Asia countries. Also, it aligns with the mission of providing the opportunity for Taiwanese enterprises to gear up to international standards. ACE Biotek develops the “Spark Digital Anesthesia Recording System” for digitized form uploads. Many representative hospitals have implemented this system, such as Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital, Veterans General Hospital, Taoyuan General Hospital, Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, Gang-Shan Armed Forces Hospital, etc. JCT invites ACE Biotek to share digital healthcare performance for international Health professionals.

The operation notes are primarily manual writing, which cannot achieve paperlessly. Also, the data is not digital. In surgery, nurses usually need to put effort into patient care and record physical machine data regularly. In this way, it might cause data loss or error. How to enhance better patient care and allow medical staff to record the patient’s physiological data conveniently and accurately is the unmet issue for medical.

ACE Biotek Director of Medical Solutions Dr. Jason Chou delivers a lecture on “Improving the Operational Efficiency for Medical Staff through Digital Anesthesia Records.” This topic focuses on how to upload and digitize the data during the surgical process. Meanwhile, he shares the technology receiving multiple medical devices (such as physiological monitors and anesthesia machines) automatically and regularly. This technology can record anesthesia conditions and integrate the electronic signature system. Spark system can take the place of manual transcription to improve the work efficiency of medical staff and strengthen the application effort. The interface allows users to easily select the iPad option without learning or adapting to avoid human errors.

Spark’s feature is to collect and analyze the equipment data through a digital Data Stream (DS-100A) and uploads data to the server. By digitizing medical records on the iPad, it can combine with Apple Pencil for users to confirm the information. Without changing the user’s habits and medical process, hospitals implement Spark fast and easily. All information can be inquired and downloaded through the internet management platform (Web).

Based on over twenty years of wireless technology experience, ACE Biotek has developed business sectors from technology to the medical industry. Integration of the Uniiform digital handwriting system and Gateway (Data Stream, DS) is the new technology. ACE Biotek is devoted to anesthesiology for a safer surgical anesthesia system, dentistry, and ophthalmology. Moreover, to propose nurse workload reduction and medicare quality improvement.

10/7 筑波醫電智慧醫療成果獲醫策會肯定,響應世界病安日分享「Spark智慧麻醉紀錄系統」

財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(JCT醫策會)響應世界病安日,於111年10月7日(五)辦理「2022 WPSD Webinar: Using Technology to Prevent Mistakes in Surgery」線上論壇。期望透過此活動,宣揚臺灣智慧醫療與資訊科技實力,提升新南向國家對於臺灣的認同與了解,進而帶動與國際接軌的機會。筑波醫電導入「Spark智慧麻醉紀錄系統」電子化表單上傳系統於台灣代表性醫院如:振興醫院、輔大醫院、榮總醫院體系、部立桃園醫院、新光醫院、國軍岡山醫院等有成並獲邀向新南向國際醫衛人員分享成果。


筑波醫電智慧醫療部總監周佳慶博士於論壇中講授「透過智慧麻醉紀錄 提升醫護人員作業效率」,聚焦於如何將手術麻醉過程中之資訊進行上傳數位化,定時接收多端醫療設備(如生理監視器、麻醉機)資料,即時記錄麻醉事件和內容,並整合醫院電子簽章系統,讓醫護人員更專注病人的照護。Spark能取代人工抄寫提升醫護人員作業效率,強化導入醫院後之應用成效。系統介面簡潔易懂,讓使用者非常直觀地操作平板,不需學習及適應新系統,避免人為錯誤疏失。

Spark的特色為透過微小化的資訊上傳Gateway(DS-100A)蒐集並解析儀器設備的資訊,上傳至伺服器,以數位麻醉資訊系統(iPad平板)來取代紙張,可結合手寫筆(Apple Pencil)完成資訊輸入,不改變使用者的習慣及流程,達到快速無縫導入。所有的資訊均可透過數位化麻醉科系統管理平台(Web)進行資料查詢及下載。

基於20年以上的無線通訊基礎,筑波集團從3C到3醫致力於發展智慧醫院方案,整合Uniiform智慧手寫系統及智慧上傳閘道器(Data Stream, DS)開發麻醉科、牙科、眼科(看得健100)等表單電子化方案,達成手術麻醉系統更安全、節省醫護人員人力、提升醫療照護品質之目標。