10/6 Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco Holds the National Day Banquet, ACE Biotek Exhibits the Epidemic Prevention Products

The ACE Biotek US Office Representative Wayne Kang, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco Director Ming-Chi Scott Lai, and Ms. Wen-Chien Yun

On October 6th, 2022, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco holds the Taiwan National Day celebrations banquet at Crowne Plaza Hotel. 500 VIP guests representing government institutions, business and technology companies, education, and other organizations join the event. Taiwan ACE Biotek receives a special invitation to display the antiCOVID19 products, Wallie Screen AI Rapid Temperature Screening System, and O-Ring Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser at the dining hall entrance. Meanwhile, ACE Biotek exhibits the MIT epidemic prevention system technology.

As the pandemic reaches its peak and slows down, the infection rate in the United States decreases. In September, the proportion of employees returning to the office peaked since the epidemic. In San Francisco, a science and technology city, the economic recovery speed has been slower than in other areas. The remote working mode is still the mainstream. However, San Francisco Mayor London Breed regarded office workers and tourists as one of the key groups. She initiated a policy of encouraging employees back to the office to increase the visit from business travelers and tourists. Under the premise of coexisting with the virus, how to protect the safety of employees and ensure business operations are vitally important issues. ACE Biotek launched and manufactured all-in-one epidemic prevention products originally and implemented them in many government institutions, universities, technology companies, and hospitals successfully. With “contactless, accurate, fast” competitive advantages. Wallie Screen can do at least ten people dynamic detection in 0.5 seconds. Besides, the updated functions are mask screening, facial recognition, people count, and TOCC history records. The O-Ring dispenser uses the patent infrared sensor to provide precise spraying. With the impact buffer, fallen of it can be avoided.

ACE Biotek aims to provide digital medical solutions and epidemic prevention products and has many representative partners worldwide. Until now, ACE Biotek has COVID19 prevention experience in America, Hawaii, Japan, Lithuania (Europe), Vietnam (Southeast Asia), etc. Recognized by the Taiwan Trade Center San Francisco branch, the guests give the best feedback to the company. This event brings together several intelligent attendees. At the entrance, temperature screening and hand cleansing processes can ensure the event goes on. The ACE Biotek US Office Representative Wayne Kang indicates the necessity of standard control equipment in the post-epidemic era to ensure employees’ health and large-scale events. ACE Biotek will continuously provide the best healthcare solutions for Americans and the Taiwanese.

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco Deputy Director Yu-Ling Hung and ACE Biotek US Office Representative Wayne Kang
ACE Biotek displays the antiCOVID19 products, Wallie Screen AI Rapid Temperature Screening System and O-Ring Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
Guest Experience

10/6 駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處舉行國慶晚宴 筑波醫電獲邀代表展示防疫成果



隨著疫情趨緩,美國感染率下降,在今年9月時員工回到辦公室上班的比例達到自疫情爆發以來的高峰。原為科技重鎮的舊金山經濟復甦相較於其他區域緩慢,遠距辦公仍是主流,然而舊金山市長倫敦‧布里德(London Breed)把上班族和遊客視為重點目標之一,他自9月份起推動讓員工重返辦公室的政策,重現商旅會議及旅遊人士的人潮回流。在與病毒共存的前提,如何保護員工安全及確保企業運營?筑波醫電透過自行研發及製造的防疫雙星,成功為國內外的政府學研單位、大型科技半導體廠、醫院等達到高規管控,兩款產品具「無接觸式、精準、安全」優勢,並提供多功能all in one整合。AI雙眼龍熱像儀能在0.5秒內偵測10人以上體溫,並具備口罩辨識、人臉辨識、人流計次或者醫院TOCC查詢。O-Ring手部消毒機則利用紅外線偵測專利噴灑技術,抗震底座防傾倒。



10/5 筑波醫電入選科技部「2022 Kiss Science」場域分享智慧醫療科技予青年學子

筑波醫電「2022 Kiss Science-科學開門,青春不悶」活動

國家科學及技術委員會111年主辦「2022 Kiss Science-科學開門,青春不悶」活動,10月份的5個週休假期,規劃360場以上的活動,期望透過讓青年學子參觀場域,提升對台灣科研發展成果的認知,並接軌未來趨勢、開拓視野,活化創新思維,提高國家的全球競爭力。

本次活動為歷年最大規模,筑波醫電在國內推廣智慧醫療能見度佳,獲邀為展示場域之一。本次活動以「科學定序」為主題,將向學子們展示太赫茲(Terahertz, THz)應用於藥錠及病理檢測的技術、AI人工智慧搭配智慧醫院的各項應用如Uniiform智慧手寫系統、愛多芬ECG心電圖貼片、防疫系統(雙眼龍熱像儀、O-Ring淨手機等),期望傳承業界的實務經驗予學界,達到產學交流之目的。



(本專案聯繫窗口:中華民國產業科技發展協進會(下稱產科會)李怡蓁小姐,服務電話:(02)2325-6800,分機893;電子郵件信箱: jessielee@mail.caita.org.tw。)

