2/24 2023 Forum of Increase Health Investment and Strengthen National Competitiveness-Taipei Declaration on Heath Care Applies ACE Biotek Uniiform Handwriting System

Figure: 2023 Taipei Declaration on Heath Care: ACE Biotek Michael Wu, Sales Manager (The third from the right); Richard Lee, Technical Engineering Manager (The second from the right)
Figure: 2023 Taipei Declaration on Heath Care: Applies ACE Biotek Uniiform
Figure: 2023 Taipei Declaration on Heath Care: Applies ACE Biotek Uniiform
Figure: 2023 Taipei Declaration on Heath Care: ACE Biotek Michael Wu, Sales Manager

The recent international analysis report indicates that health medicare can enhance economic competitiveness, productivity, tax income, and biomedical innovation for society. In a post-pandemic era, investment in Health is the global trend. On 24th February, the Taiwan College of Healthcare Executives (TCHE) acts as a crowd-puller for the medical and pharmaceutical-related associations to hold a “Forum to Increase Health Investment and Strengthen National Competitiveness” together. Dr. Hung, Tzu-Jen, the associate dean of Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital and Chairman of TCHE, hosts the 2023 Taipei Declaration on Heath Care ceremony. ACE Biotek receives a special invitation to provide Uniiform digital handwriting system for singing.

MOU Partnerships – Join Interdisciplinary Forum

In 2022, Shin Kong Hospital built MOU Relationship with ACE Biotek to initiate AI-intelligent healthcare integration cooperation. Steve Hsu, President of ACE Biotek, announces, “it’s our honor to join the event with Shin Kong Hospital together. We are devoted to smart hospital system integration and data uploading. We will contribute to sustainable healthcare with everyone based on our technology.” The ceremony applies Uniiform, which many hospitals have already implemented. It can preserve user behavior and digitize handwriting directly. In addition, it’s available for many industrial applications, especially contract signing, financing, agriculture and animal husbandry, manufacturing, and experiment records. The declaration ceremony is a historic moment to witness many representatives use Uniiform for signature today. The forum focuses on strengthening health investment. Under industry, government, and academic cooperation overseas, Shin Kong Hospital, ACE Biotek, and TCHE look forward to accelerating Taiwan hospitals to pioneer the ” Health is an investment, not a cost” philosophy.

Bring the Health investment in Line with Global Standard-Strengthen national competitiveness.

Dr. Hung, Tzu-Jen, the Chairman of TCHE, welcomes special guests from the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Taipei (JCCI) and The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) to promote Taiwan’s Health and smart medical investment worldwide. The speakers share the challenges from theory to practice. Gaining such experience can boost national competitiveness. Nowadays, Shin Kong Hospital has a Smart Healthcare Promotion Committee, the leader in the field and expert in information security management. ACE Biotek creates AI artificial intelligence modeling applications to improve the quality of medicare and patient care and give it back to society. Today’s declaration calls for the government to increase healthcare from 6.2% to over 8% of GDP by 2028. Such an increase can bring the level of health investment in line with international standards, strengthening national competitiveness and accelerating Taiwan to becoming a global leader in healthcare, biomedical innovation, and economic growth. The ceremony increases the prestige and performance of Taiwan’s health sustainability and digital healthcare. Based on MOU with Shin Kong Hospital, ACE Biotek will seize the EMR trend to apply Uniiform, AI, and Terahertz (THz) technology to e-health quality.

About ACE Biotek

Established in 2000, ACE Group has grown for more than 20 years across wireless and healthcare industries. Originally, ACE Group formed ACE Solution as its first foray to focus on wireless communication, networking hardware, and customized system integration projects. Driven by President Steve’s vision to improve healthcare quality, he built the ACE Biotek building from the ground up and officially founded ACE Biotek in 2018. ACE Biotek integrates the past 20 years of industrial experience and knowledge to solve unmet clinical needs. In order to achieve the early diagnosis of diseases, we have developed smart medical solutions regarding imaging algorithms, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and terahertz technology so far. Long term, ACE Biotek will expand globally to serve as a platform to cultivate talents and support tech companies to transform into Medtech.


Advanced ACE Biotek Co., Ltd.

Address: No. 66, Shengyi 2nd Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park)

Phone: +886 3 5500909

E-mail: service@acebiotek.com; jenny_lin@acebiotek.com

WebSite: https://www.acebiotek.com/en/

Linkedln: https://tw.linkedin.com/company/筑波科技股份有限公司?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com.tw%2F

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Acebiotek/

2/24 2023「增加健康投資.強化國家競爭力」高峰論壇- 台北健康照護宣言儀式使用筑波醫電Uniiform智慧手寫系統

圖:2023台北健康照護宣言簽署儀式: 筑波醫電代表 吳尚昆業務經理 (右三)、李冠頎技術工程經理 (右二)
圖:2023台北健康照護宣言簽署儀式: 筑波醫電代表 吳尚昆業務經理


新光醫院與筑波醫電MOU締結 參與跨健康場域對話

去年雙方簽訂MOU締結AI智慧醫療整合方案等合作,許深福董事長表示:「筑波醫電很榮幸受新光醫院邀請,將Uniiform使用於此儀式,本公司致力於智慧醫院系統上傳整合,將與各界共同為健康永續努力」。Uniiform以藍牙方式將紙本手寫資料直接電子化保存,保留手寫習慣,已導入大量手繪圖的科別,亦適合各產業應用 (如:合約簽署、金融業、農牧業、製造業或實驗紀錄等),本次用於台北健康照護宣言簽署,將歷史性的一刻數位化呈現。筑波醫電與新光醫院暨社團法人台灣醫務管理學會共同參與此國內、外專家學者匯聚的論壇,聚焦強化健康投資的議題,期待在MOU產、官、學的合作基礎下能進一步以自身研發能量,結合醫師專業攜手執行「健康上的支出是一項強化生活品質、幸福與繁榮的投資」理念。

健康投資接軌國際 強化國家競爭力


本次儀式讓世界看見台灣健康永續與智慧醫療成果與能量,筑波醫電期許將Uniiform、其他AI智慧醫療、太赫茲 (Terahertz, THz) 與新光醫院共同推廣,掌握國際EMR趨勢提升醫療品質、打造全民健康。