6/29 5G x智慧醫療跨域研討會 5G x Smart Health Cross-Border Seminar


筑波集團在無線通訊測試應用累積20年,擁有5G/B5G、WiFi 6/6E等實務技術,從3C到3醫,整合AI技術開發智慧醫療數據方案,應用於各醫療院所的實務經驗。昇頻公司專注賦能5G智慧連結及智慧互聯網垂直應用,本次共同攜手展開5G x智慧醫療跨域研討會,並於現場展示實務應用成果。誠摰邀請業界先進至報名網站參與,名額有限。



  • 辰隆科技: 賦能智慧5G專網 創造數位轉型新紀元
  • 昇頻:5G x Edge AI運算生智 前進智慧應用新藍海
  • 筑波科技:資訊安全關鍵因素於車用通訊系統
  • 英柏得: 前進AI智慧醫療的專用暨安全性強化之資料存儲裝置與應用系統
  • 醫院資訊系統/平台之介紹與跳戰
  • 筑波科技:5G NR / WiFi 7 /NB-IoT 最佳無線通訊測試方案
  • 筑波科技:AIoT醫療應用-手術麻醉與生理資訊的上傳系統

活動日期:  2023年06月29日(四) PM12:30 – PM17:00

活動地點:  諾貝爾講堂 – 新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 筑波醫電大樓1F (新竹生醫園區)

報名方式:  03-5500909 ext. 3407林小姐 / 3800 蔡小姐  service@acesolution.com.tw

線上報名:  https://register.acesolution.com.tw/20230629_5GxSmartHealth_Seminar





筑波醫電董事長許深福表示,此次合作備忘錄之簽署為創新的策略,Uniiform智慧手寫筆除了用於EMR之外,筑波亦使用智慧上傳閘道器(Data Stream Gateway, DS)解析儀器資料,將表單與IoT數據及資安系統整合,未來與TWCA電子簽章技術結合,可以將應用從醫療拓展至其他產業,透過與科學園區廠商接軌,能導入更多未滿足之場域。


6/16 行政/採購/進出口人員跨界交流會

🎊6/16(五)行政/採購/進出口人員跨界交流會-VIP Invitation

筑波集團感謝您 一直以來支持與鼓勵, 為了貴公司更瞭解筑波團隊、提升雙方合作界面契合、創造更多您我公司的合作機會綜效。本公司特別籌備精緻的跨界交流會。
本次主題聚焦於醫師/半導體/通訊產業人員的跨界知性議題互動、參觀交流、分享學習,期望帶來行政/進出口平台人員的合作和創意,並提升團隊綜效。 誠摯邀請您推薦 採購、行政以及進出口人員參加。



🌟活動日期:06/16(五) PM13:00-17:00
🌟活動地點:新竹縣竹北市生醫二路66號 筑波醫電大樓1F (新竹生醫園區)

5/17 Collaboration Insights of TZ6000 from TeraView– The Nondestructive Wafer Testing Accomplishment in Semiconductor Industry

From left to right: TZ6000 System with TeraPulse Lx; Dr. Don Arnone, CEO of TeraView and Steve Hsu, President of ACE Solution

Dr. Don Arnone is the CEO of TeraView. In March 2023, he visited ACE Solution (ACE), the Taiwan representative partner that launched the TZ6000, a non-destructive wafer quality measurement tool. It incorporates with TeraView’s TeraPulse Lx technologies, particularly for crucial applications such as wafer and substrate defect inspection. TZ6000 characterizes the wafer properties by thickness, refractive index, resistivity, dielectric constant, and surface/subsurface defects scanning graph.

Key Driving Factors for TZ6000 Success and Market Advantages

To explore the market for TZ6000, Dr. Don Arnone shares two influencing factors: ” One is to transmit product information; the other is to make a demonstration to customer in terms of favorable impression.” Since 2023, the proof of concept (POC), the initial sales, will rely on sturdy teamwork. Based on ACE and TeraView professionals, TZ6000 is the thriving base for forward-looking. TeraView possesses competitive advantages of Terahertz instrument experience, while ACE has tremendous expertise for integration solutions such as TZ6000. Under the two leading companies’ cross-border cooperation, it will bring an unprecedented solution for customers.

Subsurface Damage (SSD) of semiconductor wafers commonly happens in the surface machining process. At present, wafer inspection relies on VIS/IR/UV optical inspection that can analyze the surface properties of the wafer but not the SSD because of its low penetration depth. Terahertz (THz) waves have the features of high penetration depth in semiconductor wafers for silicon, silicon carbide, and gallium nitride. Therefore, THz-based TZ6000 can meet the market needs for compound semiconductor wafer non-destructive inspection.

TZ6000 Accomplishment Insights from ACE and TeraView

From Dr. Don Arnone’s viewpoint, there are three takeaways for TZ6000 task achievement. ACE works enthusiastically and hard to reach our milestones and follows customer requirements. In addition, team flexibility brings the capability to address the challenge of market adoption. These factors are also key to take the TZ6000 from the project phase through to final commercialization. TeraView’s TeraPulse Lx System is the pioneer product for terahertz analysis. Specifically, it meets material inspection in imaging or spectroscopy applications for the compound semiconductor industry. The modular architecture and patented laser-gated photoconductive emitters and detectors are flexible and expandable. The system also boasts an industry-leading 3,200 ps time-delay line as standard. With a lightweight, compact core unit that allows easy transport, the TeraPulse Lx System incorporates the TeraPulse Lx modules to meet market demands.

Steve Hsu, President of ACE, says it’s a precious chance to collaborate with TeraView. ACE takes the lead in electrical precision tests, integrating service and solution. Through the TeraPulase Lx module and TZ6000 system incorporation, it frames a unique THz-TDS probe for simultaneous measurement of multiple parameters of wafer characterization. In the wafer manufacturing and R&D process, TZ6000 possesses user-friendly and graphically illustrated software for quality inspection. “TeraView and ACE have very complimentary skills and experience. Our partnership is a representative case of international cooperation. I’m proud of this unique accomplishment and enjoying working with President Steve’s team.”, Dr. Don Arnone says with trust. Starting the TZ6000 business in Taiwan, ACE has confidence in creating a great business via technology integration in the long run.