ACE Biotek Collaborates with Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital at the 2023 Healthcare Technology Expo, Showcasing Advancements in Smart Healthcare

Caption1: ACE Biotek President Steve Hsu
ACE Biotek Sales Engineer Michael Wu

ACE Biotek, in collaboration with Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, participated in the “Taiwan Healthcare Expo,” showcasing the latest advancements in smart healthcare solutions. This year’s highlighted innovations include the Eagle Park 100 for ophthalmology, the Spark Smart Anesthesia Record System, and the Uniiform Smart Handwriting System. These technologies underscore Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital’s exceptional capabilities in smart healthcare. Attendees had the opportunity to experience firsthand the practical applications of these innovations within a hospital setting.

Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital joined forces with partners such as ACE Biotek, Shin Kong Security, Shin Shin Clinic, Health Management Center, Orient EuroPharma, and Far EasTone Telecommunications to exhibit the fruitful results of their smart healthcare initiatives. A key highlight of the exhibition was the digitization of ophthalmology paper records. After eye examinations, thermal paper prints were traditionally attached to paper records and sent to the consultation room. The Eagle Park 100, in conjunction with DS-4000 technology, uploads instrument data to the hospital’s cloud. Once the patient’s examination, doctors can view the data and use Uniiform for hand-drawn diagnostic annotations, streamlining the data structure and simplifying the consultation process.

Furthermore, the expo featured a demonstration of the Spark Smart Anesthesia Record System, which aims to enhance the accuracy of handwritten surgical records during procedures. Spark digitizes anesthesia forms using iPads, replacing traditional paper-based methods. The DS-100A gateway receives data from various medical devices, recording anesthesia events in real-time. Used with the Apple Pencil, this system completes handwritten information entry, contributing to the digitization of anesthesia information and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care.

ACE Biotek looks forward to expanding smart hospital systems’ application and research projects through the MOU with Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital. The company is dedicated to advancing AI modeling and the application of Terahertz (THz) technology in pharmaceuticals and biomedical testing. As Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital Chairman Eugene Wu stated in February 2023, this year marks the hospital’s digital transformation, aiming to integrate digital technology into various medical processes comprehensively. The ongoing construction of the second medical building is expected to establish an internationally recognized smart healthcare hospital. Leveraging strengths in hardware and software integration, ACE Biotek aims to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare field, contributing to establishing a paradigm for digital healthcare transformation in Taiwan.

筑波醫電攜手新光醫院參與 2023 醫療科技展 展示智慧醫療成果


筑波醫電與新光醫院攜手參與「Taiwan Healthcare Expo 台灣醫療科技展」,展示智慧醫療的最新成果。今年聯手展出的智慧醫療解決方案包括 Eagle Park 看得健100眼科系統、Spark 智慧麻醉紀錄系統、Uniiform 智慧手寫輔助系統,突顯新光醫院在智慧醫療領域的卓越亮點。本次亦讓參與的貴賓實際體驗這些創新技術在醫院應用的效果。

新光醫院今年與筑波醫電、新光保全、昕新智慧診所、新光健檢中心、友華、遠傳等夥伴攜手展示智慧醫療的豐碩成果。本次展覽的一項重要亮點是眼科紙本病歷的數位化,以往眼科檢查後需印出熱感紙,貼附於紙本病歷後送至診間,但這種方式無法長久保存且需等候病歷遞送。看得健100結合 DS-4000 技術將檢查儀器資料上傳至醫院雲端,病患檢查完成後,醫師即可查看檢查數據,並使用 Uniiform 做手繪圖診斷,使檢查數據結構化並簡化看診流程。在本次展覽中,我們讓參與的貴賓體驗眼科檢查與手繪診斷的完整過程。

此外,展覽中還演示了 Spark 智慧麻醉紀錄系統的應用。為提升手術過程中手寫手術紀錄的正確性,Spark 將麻醉表單數位化(使用 iPad 平板),取代了傳統的紙張方式。 DS-100A 資料上傳閘道器接收多端醫療設備的資料,即時記錄麻醉事件和內容,結合 Apple Pencil 完成手寫資訊輸入,將手術麻醉資訊數位化,有助於醫護人員更專注於病人的照護。

筑波醫電期望透過與新光醫院MOU的基礎,拓展智慧醫院系統的應用與研究案,進一步推動 AI 人工智慧建模應用和太赫茲(THz)技術在藥錠及生醫檢測上的應用。新光醫院董事長吳東進於2023年2月表示,今年是新光醫院數位轉型年,將全面推動數位科技導入各項就醫流程。目前第二醫療大樓正在興建中,預計將打造成國際級智慧醫療醫院。筑波醫電將充分發揮軟硬體整合的優勢,滿足醫療場域的需求,共同建立我國數位醫療轉型的典範。