4/20 筑波集團攜手國立臺灣海洋大學淨灘 共創美麗海岸線

圖:筑波集團 (筑波科技、筑波醫電) 淨灘活動





4/20 ACE Group Joins National Taiwan Ocean University for Beach Cleanup, Creating a Beautiful Coastline

Caption: ACE Group (ACE Solution, ACE Biotek) Beach Cleanup Activity

(Hsinchu, Taiwan – April 20, 2024) – ACE Group held its annual beach cleanup event on April 20 at the HSIN FENG Beach in Hsinchu. The event was attended by employees, their families, and students from National Taiwan Ocean University, all coming together to protect the marine environment through practical action.

ACE Group has been committed to environmental protection for many years. Since 2010, they have adopted the HSIN FENG Beach in Hsinchu and have organized regular cleanup activities every year, calling on employees and their families to join in protecting the coastline. In commemoration of its 20th anniversary, ACE Group expanded its efforts by collaborating with National Taiwan Ocean University to conduct the beach cleanup, combining professional knowledge and action to contribute to marine conservation.

On the day of the event, participants, including colleagues and family members, worked hard to pick up litter, including plastic bottles, bags, Styrofoam, and cigarette butts. After two hours of effort, they cleared dozens of trash bags, significantly contributing to cleaning up the marine environment.

ACE Group has always placed great importance on environmental protection. Marine debris affects marine life and poses health risks to humans. Through beach cleanup activities, ACE Group hopes to raise awareness of the importance of the marine environment, share knowledge and ideas about marine conservation with more people, and work together to protect marine ecology. In the future, ACE Group will continue to promote environmental protection activities and collaborate with various sectors to create a sustainable home.

2024/03 筑波關心報

#2024.03 筑波集團關心報 📰
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