6/20 筑波醫電攜手台灣醫材同業公會參加2024台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展 展示Spark手術麻醉系統亮點

圖:筑波醫電許深福董事長、Spark 手術麻醉系統於智慧醫療主題館展出
圖:Spark 手術麻醉系統於智慧醫療主題館展出

台灣新竹,2024年06月20日 – 國際醫療展隆重開幕,今年醫療暨生技器材公會規劃「智慧醫療主題館」。筑波醫電受邀展示手術麻醉系統、電子病歷及手術全期護理系統。

今日蕭美琴副總統蒞臨,參觀筑波醫電Spark手術麻醉系統。還有泰國醫療器材公協會、法蘭克福工商會、日本Century Medical、胡志明市醫療協會、臺大醫院國際醫療中心及國際合作發展會團等貴賓。


UniiForm智慧電子病歷系統是筑波醫電另一亮點,可實現即時數位化紙本書寫和簽署,保留使用者手寫,並提供紙本收執。適合需大量手繪圖醫師使用,將病歷電子數位化。搭配DS資訊上傳閘道器完成儀器資料串接,已在國內多家醫院麻醉科、眼科、牙科等科使用。 筑波醫電業務副總經理周佳慶分享:「筑波醫電憑藉20年軟硬體整合經驗,致力於提升智慧醫療方案,希望通過此次展覽,讓世界認識筑波在高階智慧醫材的卓越實力,期待與國內外合作夥伴交流指導」。筑波專於早期疾病診斷醫療設備開發,結合InfinityAI人工智慧技術,掌握全球醫療大數據發展,提升醫病品質。

6/20 Discover the Future of Anesthesia: ACE Biotek and TMBIA Present Spark System at 2024 Medical Taiwan Expo

Caption: ACE Biotek President Steve Hsu, Spark Surgical Anesthesia System showcased at the Smart Healthcare Pavilion
Caption: Taiwan Vice President Bi-khim Louise Hsiao (Left) and ACE Biotek President Steve Hsu (Right)
Caption: Spark Surgical Anesthesia System showcased at the Smart Healthcare Pavilion

Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 20, 2024 – The international medical exhibition has grandly opened. This year, the Taiwan Medical and Biotech Industry Association (TMBIA) has organized the “Smart Healthcare Pavilion.” ACE Biotek was invited to showcase its surgical anesthesia system, electronic medical records, and perioperative care system.

Taiwan Vice President Bi-khim Louise Hsiao visited the ACE Biotek Spark Surgical Anesthesia System today. Other distinguished guests included Thai Medical Device Technology Industry Association (THAIMED) representatives, IHK Frankfurt am Main, Japan’s Century Medical, HCMC Medical Equipment Association, NTU Hospital International Medical Center, and the International Cooperation and Development Fund.

ACE Biotek’s exhibition highlights the Spark Surgical Anesthesia and Perioperative Care System, which digitizes preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care, supporting the use of medications and surgical modes. It achieves “real-time and complete collection of physiological monitor and anesthesia machine data” with medical AI big data analysis charts. The Spark Surgical Anesthesia System seamlessly integrates with hospital HIS, surgical, and billing systems, enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy without altering existing workflows. It also provides real-time recording of anesthesia events and medical care interventions.

Another highlight from ACE Biotek is the UniiForm Smart Electronic Medical Records System, which enables real-time digital writing and signing while retaining the user’s handwriting and providing a paper receipt. This system is ideal for doctors who need to draw extensively and want to digitize medical records. Combined with the DS Information Upload Gateway, it completes the integration of instrument data and is already used in anesthesiology, ophthalmology, and dentistry departments in many hospitals in Taiwan. Jason Chou, Sales VP of ACE Biotek, shared, “With 20 years of experience in software and hardware integration, ACE Biotek is dedicated to enhancing smart healthcare solutions. We hope that through this exhibition, the world will recognize ACE’s excellence in advanced smart medical devices, and we look forward to exchanging insights with domestic and international partners.” ACE Biotek specializes in developing medical equipment for early disease diagnosis, combining InfinityAI artificial intelligence technology to leverage global medical big data, thereby improving healthcare quality.

2024/05 筑波關心報

📰 #2024.05 筑波關心報

🌟 本期花絮:

🤝 筑波醫電與三軍總醫院松山分院合作備忘錄-推動智慧醫療與AI人工智慧技術

🚀 5/23 啟航光電數位產業-高階主管交流會

🎨 臺大醫院同仁 藝情聯展 展期:2024/4/15-6/30

🏓 桌球比賽

#2024筑波集團關心報 #智慧醫療 #人工智慧 #光電產業 #高階主管交流 #臺大醫院 #藝情聯展 #桌球比賽

6/20-6/21 Medical Taiwan Expo Product Show-Spark Surgical Anesthesia Information System

See the latest development from ACE Biotek: the integrated anesthesia care form system for pre-, intra-, and post-operative care. Discover how it perfectly combines the intelligent anesthesia medical system with the perioperative care system to achieve smart operating rooms🏥✨

📢 Spark Surgical Anesthesia Information System International Medical and Healthcare Exhibition Product Launch:

📅 6/20 (Thu) 15:15-15:30

📅 6/21 (Fri) 15:00-15:15

📍 Location: Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2, Smart Healthcare Pavilion, Product Launch Area Booth P0502

6/20-6/21 國際醫療暨健康照護展 產品分享會-Spark 手術麻醉資訊系統


📢 Spark手術麻醉資訊系統 國際醫療暨健康照護展產品發表會:

📅 6/20 (四) 15:15-15:30

📅 6/21 (五) 15:00-15:15

📍 地點:南港展覽館二館 智慧醫療主題館 產品發表區 Booth P0502